Institutional Information:
Faculty Of Economic And Administrative Sciences, Department Of Political Science And Public Administration
WoS Research Areas:
Social Sciences (Soc)
Avesis Research Areas:
Social Sciences and Humanities
- PhD, Political Science. Carleton University, Canada 2007
- MA, Political Science. Bilkent University, Turkey. 2000.
- BS. Business Administration. Middle East Technical University, Turkey. 1999.
Professional Experience
- 2014-2021 Assistant Prof. Dr., Middle East Technical University, Turkey
- 2009-2014 Instructor Dr., Middle East Technical University, Turkey.
- 2001-2009 Research Assistant, Middle East Technical University, Turkey.
- 2001-2006 Teaching Assistant, Carleton University, Canada.
- 1999-2001 Research Assistant, Bilkent University, Turkey.
Scholarships and Awards
- Carleton University Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement, 2007.
- Carleton University Academic Excellence Scholarship for International Students,
- 2001-2005. Higher Education Council of Turkey, Graduate Study Scholarship,
- 2001-2005. Bilkent University, Honor Scholarship, 2000-2001.
- Bilkent University, Achievement Scholarship, 1999-2000. T
- urkish Education Foundation, National Scholarship, 1994-1999.
- “Çağdaş Tragedyalar: Farhadi ve Lanthimos Sinemasına Politik bir Bakış,” ILEF Dergisi, Ankara (forthcoming) doi: 10.24955/ilef.1000077
- “Alain Badiou’nun Düşüncesinde Devrim ve Siyasal Örgütlenme”, Mülkiye Dergisi Ankara. 2019: 43(1). 2
Chapters in Edited Books
- “Neoliberalization and Foundation Universities in Turkey,” in Neoliberal Transformation of Education in Turkey: Political and Ideological Analysis of Educational Reforms in the Age of the AKP, ed. by K. Inal and G. Akkaymak. Palgrave Macmillan: New York. 2012.
- “Liberalizm,” in Siyaset Bilimi: Kavramlar’ Ideolojiler, Disiplinler Arası İlişkiler, ed. by. G. Atılgan and E. A. Aytekin. Yordam Kitap: Ankara. 2012.
- “Muhafazakarlık,” in Siyaset Bilimi: Kavramlar’ Ideolojiler, Disiplinler Arası İlişkiler, ed. by. G. Atılgan and E. A. Aytekin. Yordam Kitap: Ankara. 2012.
Edited Books
- (ed) 21. Yüzyılda Devletin Dönüşümü: Otoriterleşme, Kriz ve Hegemonya Galip Yalman’a Armağan. İmge Yayınları: Ankara 2021.
- (ed.) Health and Social Security in Turkey: Human vs. Market. Notabene: Ankara, 2016.
- (ed.) Health. Politics and Market in Turkey. Notabene: Ankara, 2015. (ed.) Winds of Politics and Economics in Turkey. Efil Yayınları: Ankara, 2011.
- (ed.) Turkey: Neo-Liberalism, Democracy and Nation-State. Yordam Kitap: Ankara, 2009.
Conference Proceedings
- “Political (or) Philosophy? A Critical Account of Leo Strauss’s Response to the Crisis of Modernity.” XXII World Congress of Philosophy Seoul, South Korea, 2008.
- “Transformation of Knowledge Production on Universities: The Cases of Faculty of Engineering.” Middle East Technical University, Scientific Research Project (BAP-08-11- 2014-004) Ankara, 2014.
- “Political Collectivism in Alain Badiou’s Thought” Historical Materialism- Athens Conference, Athens, May, 2019.
- “Alain Badiou and the Idea of Revolution.” 15th National Social Sciences Congress, Ankara November, 2017.
- “Alan Badiou and Gezi Uprising.” Paper presented at Twenty Third World Congress of Political Science, Montreal, July, 2014.
- “Conservative Democracy: A New Mask for the Neoliberal Transformation.” Paper presented at Twenty Second World Congress of Political Science, Madrid, July, 2012. 3
- “Constitution of Neoliberal Freedom: From Negative Freedom to Market Authoritarianism.” Paper presented at Association for Legal and Social Philosophy Annual Conference, Queen University of Belfast, June, 2012.
- “Philosophy vs. Politics: Reconsidering Socratic Philosophy in Global Times.” Paper presented at Twenty First World Congress of Political Science, Universidad de Chile, July, 2009.
- “Political (or) Philosophy? A Critical Account of Leo Strauss’s Response to the Crisis of Modernity.” Paper presented at Twenty Second World Congress of Philosophy, Seoul National University, August, 2008.
- “Leo Strauss’s ‘Jerusalem and Athens:’ Modernity-Philosophy and Revelation.” Paper presented at Configurations of the Third: 1800 to the Present, University of Cambridge, August 2005.
- “Strauss and Derrida on Carl Schmitt: An Unexpected Affinity?” Paper presented at Sixth Essex Graduate Conference in Political Theory, University of Essex, May 2005.
- “Philosophy versus Politics: Ideas of Good Life in the Works of Strauss and Arendt.” Paper presented at Politics and Ethics Conference, University of Southern Mississippi, March, 2005.
- “The Leviathan and the Contours of Conservative Imagination: The Role of Thomas Hobbes in the Works of Schmitt, Strauss and Oakeshott.” Paper presented at Seventy Sixth Annual Meeting of Canadian Political Science Association, June, 2004.
- Web Page