ODTÜ Uzamsal Ses Araştırma Grubu
METU Spatial Audio Research Group (METU SPARG) was founded in 2013 to consolidate ongoing research work at METU Graduate School of Informatics in the area of audio signal processing to further the state-of-the-art in spatial and 3D audio capture, editing, synthesis, transmission, reproduction, and testing. The research themes in SPARG include: microphone array signal processing, spatial/3D/6DoF audio, procedural sound, automatic soundscape analysis, artificial reverberation, musical interaction, audio-based biometrics and applications of deep learning to room acoustics and microphone array signal processing problems.
Some of the news and announcements are made from our Twitter account at @metusparg.
We always welcome new group members and external collaborators so drop us a line from info@sparglab.org if you are interested in joint work.