Non Academic Experience
2001 - Continues Professor
Dept. of C.E., METU
1981 - Continues Associate Professor (Promotion)
Dept. of Applied Statistics, METU
2007 - 2010 Head, Department of Earthquake Studies
2009 - 2009 ODTÜ Geliştirme Vakfı Yönetim Kurulu üyesi
2004 - 2008 Director, Earthquake Engineering Research Center
1997 - 2001 Rector
Cyprus International University
1996 - 1997 Professor
Dept. of C.E., Eastern Mediterranean University
1992 - 1996 Professor of Structural Mechanics
Dept. of C.E., METU
1988 - 1996 Professor
Earthquake Engineering Research Center, METU
1991 - 1992 Associate President
The Scientific & Tech. Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)
1988 - 1992 Professor
Dept. of Statistics, METU
1989 - 1991 Chairman
Dept. of Statistics, METU
1986 - 1987 Associate Professor
Dept. of C.E., Jordan University of Science and Technology
1983 - 1986 Associate Professor
Dept. of C.E., Yarmouk University
1981 - 1983 Associate Professor
Dept. of Statistics, METU
1976 - 1983 Assistant / Associate Professor
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, METU
1981 - 1981 Visiting Professor
Dept. of C.E., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1980 - 1981 Associate Professor (Title)
Dept. of Applied Statistics, METU
1978 - 1980 Chairman
Dept. of Applied Statistics, METU
1975 - 1980 Assistant Professor
Dept. of Applied Statistics, METU
1973 - 1975 Assistant Professor
Dept. of Management, METU
1969 - 1972 Assistant
Dept. of C.E., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1969 - 1969 Structural Engineer
Atlanta Utility Works, Atlanta
Advising Theses
Reliability of transportation lifeline systems subjected to earthquake loads
YÜCEMEN M. S. (Advisor)
Estimation of potential earthquake losses for the evaluation of earthquake insurance risks
YÜCEMEN M. S. (Advisor)
Multistage seismic assessment methods for existing reinforced concrete buildings and their applicability for retrofitting cost estimation
YÜCEMEN M. S. (Advisor)
Reliability based safety assessment of buried continuıus pipelines subjected to earthquake effects
YÜCEMEN M. S. (Advisor)
Reliability based safety level evaluation of Turkish type precast prestressed concrete bridge girders designed in accordance with the load and resistance factor design method
CANER A. (Co-Advisor), YÜCEMEN M. S. (Co-Advisor)
Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis : a sensitivity study with respect to different models
YÜCEMEN M. S. (Advisor)
Development of load and resistance factors for reinforced concrete structures in Turkey
YÜCEMEN M. S. (Advisor)
Estimation of earthquake insurance premium rates based stochastic methods
YÜCEMEN M. S. (Advisor)
Assessment of the extreme value distributions for single and combined random processes
YÜCEMEN M. S. (Advisor)
Stochastic modeling of earthquake occurrences and estimation of seismic hazard: random field approach
YÜCEMEN M. S. (Advisor)
A probabilistic model for the evaluation of relaibility of lifeline networks under seismic hazard.
YÜCEMEN M. S. (Advisor)