Tezin Türü: Doktora
Tezin Yürütüldüğü Kurum: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Eğitimi Bölümü, Türkiye
Tezin Onay Tarihi: 2019
Öğrenci: Sab Öz
Özet:Digital storytelling is one of the well-known powerful teaching and learning strategies among educational institutions, organizations and school environments. Perhaps the most important factors that make digital storytelling highly preferred and popular are its being easily producible without requiring someone to be a media professional by the help of easily learned and used software, and its coinciding with some well-known instructional and learning theories such as self-directed learning, case-based reasoning, constructionism, and narrative paradigm. The purpose of this study is two-fold; to reveal a holistic perspective about educational use of digital storytelling and to reveal a framework for future use and research of digital storytelling in educational settings. For this purpose, a two-phase narrative qualitative study design was employed for the study. Within this scope, meta–synthesis and narrative research design are research methodologies used respectively for both parts of the study. Accordingly, systematic review of digital storytelling literature in education is the data collection method for the first part of the study while interviewing is the data collection method for the second part of the study. Similarly, samples of the study change for each part as follows; 60 publications about educational use of digital storytelling for first part and 13 experts in the field of digital storytelling for the second part. Thematic analysis was used as the data analysis method for both parts of the study. Findings of the first part of the study have revealed that achievement, skill use, language learning, motivation and technology integration are the most frequently investigated constructs by scholars in the educational digital storytelling publications. Furthermore, constructivism and multi-literacy pedagogy are the most frequently preferred theoretical bases among these publications. Participant selection among these studies varies and grade 6 to 8 and grade 1 to 5 are the most investigated target groups. Findings of the second part of the study have revealed that for the future studies, researchers should investigate constructs which are skill use (problem solving skills, creative thinking skills, ICT skills and etc.), experience, learning outcomes and psychological aspects. From the theoretical perspective, constructivism and collaborative learning are the most suggested theoretical bases for future implementation and research of digital storytelling in the educational settings.