Türkçe’de tutum fiillerinin işlenişi ve anlambilimsel ve edimbilimsel incelenmesi: "zannet".

Tezin Türü: Yüksek Lisans

Tezin Yürütüldüğü Kurum: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Türkiye

Tezin Onay Tarihi: 2019

Öğrenci: Samet Albayrak

Danışman: UMUT ÖZGE


This thesis investigated the Theory of Mind (ability to infer mental states) in a verbal medium. In addition to that, some propositional attitude verbs that are used for providing such a medium are investigated semantically and pragmatically. Evaluated verbs were bil (know), düşün (think), and zannet (~falsely-believe). These verbs are used for creating a paradigm where speaker's beliefs are encoded in the utterance, and participants were expected to predict emotional responses to given situations using the this information. Their accuracy scores in these experiments were then compared and examined for correlation with their scores on the Autism-Spectrum Quotient questionnaire with which we aimed to measure the ability to process pragmatic inferences.