Treatment of reactive dyeing wastewater and recovery of brackish water by applying ultrafiltration

Tezin Türü: Yüksek Lisans

Tezin Yürütüldüğü Kurum: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü, Türkiye

Tezin Onay Tarihi: 2016




Reactive dyeing wastewaters (RDW) originating from textile industry are highly colored and have high total organic carbon (TOC), turbidity and salinity content. Ultrafiltration (UF) scenario suggested here aims to keep salt in permeate and reuse resulting permeate in dyeing process. For this purpose, RDW samples were treated with 5 kDa PES and 2 kDa Thin Film GE Osmonics UF membranes. After single stage filtrations, two stage “5 kDa+5 kDa”, “5 kDa+2 kDa” and “2 kDa+2 kDa” applications were carried out at 2 bar with a concentration factor of 2.5; and all the applications retained less than 10% salt. The first scenario provided the lowest color retention of 94% while the other two provided over 98% color retention. The “5 kDa+2 kDa” and “2 kDa+2 kDa” applications retained turbidity and TOC at similar levels of 97-98% and 78-83%, respectively. However, permeate flux from the 5 kDa first stage application was three times higher than the 2kDa first stage application. Dyeing tests have shown that the permeate of “5 kDa+2 kDa” was successful in dyeing middle and dark shaded green, and that of “2 kDa+2 kDa” in dyeing light and middle shaded green. In coloring dark red, both permeates achieved good results. There were no significant loss in permeate qualities of both applications when concentration factor was taken to 10. When the filtration pressure was doubled, filtration fluxes were doubled for both membranes, however the decrease in filtration flux of first stage 5 kDa was more drastic than first stage 2 kDa.