A qualitative investigation of stigma experiences of individuals with depressive disorders in Turkey

Tezin Türü: Yüksek Lisans

Tezin Yürütüldüğü Kurum: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Türkiye

Tezin Onay Tarihi: 2020

Tezin Dili: İngilizce


Danışman: Deniz Canel Çınarbaş


The aim of the present study was to explore stigma experiences of individuals diagnosed with depressive disorders in Turkey, from their own perspective. To this end, qualitative research methodology was employed and fourteen participants who had a diagnosis of depressive disorder were interviewed for the study. The data obtained through interviews was analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). At the end of the analysis process, five superordinate themes were identified, which were the experience of disorder, others’ reactions, effects of disorder experiences and others’ reactions on self, meaning making, and coping. Quotations from the participants were provided regarding the superordinate themes and subordinate themes in the results section. Results were discussed in the light of the relevant literature. Clinical implications and future directions were also discussed.