Türkiye’de kamu siyasası yapma : 1980’ler ve 1990’larda siyasa transferi, bürokratik özerklik ve dış ticaret şirketleri

Tezin Türü: Doktora

Tezin Yürütüldüğü Kurum: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Bölümü, Türkiye

Tezin Onay Tarihi: 2013

Tezin Dili: İngilizce

Öğrenci: Devrim Yurdaanik Eskiyerli



The policy transfer is becoming a more widespread form of policy development and is even claimed to replace policy making especially in developing countries. In this thesis, a foreign trade related policy transfer from advanced countries (Japan and Italy) to a developing country (Turkey) is analysed. The main object of the thesis is to identify whether the policy transfer can be a widely accepted and a common form of policy making especially in the case of developing countries. To this end, the policy transfer model is studied with respect to key concepts with a potential to affect policy transfer outcomes in developing countries. Those key concepts are bureaucratic autonomy, selectivity, state intervention, rent seeking, government failure and market imperfection. In the first section, the stance of Turkey between developmental and neo-liberal countries is analysed. The thesis gradually continued to study the theory around the policy transfer and the key concepts finally operationalizing them in the case study of transferring Foreign Trade and Sectoral Foreign Trade Company models. It has been found that policy transfer warrants different and complicated measures in the cases of transfer from advanced to developing countries, it is not a fast way of policy making and the underlying conditions are critical for the policy transfer success or failure. In relation to this, the importance of the degree of policy transfer, elite and cognitive mobilization, scope of the policy search, interpretation of the transferred policy and most importantly multi-level models of policy transfer are stated as important findings.