Inter-American Development Bank'in neoliberal dışlanma söyleminin eleştirisi.

Tezin Türü: Yüksek Lisans

Tezin Yürütüldüğü Kurum: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü, Türkiye

Tezin Onay Tarihi: 2009

Tezin Dili: İngilizce

Öğrenci: Rifat Kerim Menemencioğlu



Exclusion has become a popular term in the recent two decades which is used to designate to the relatively disadvantageous people, groups, parties in different societies. Given the fact that concepts are not innocent, there is a need to think on the question of what “exclusion” as a concept excludes and includes different from other relevant concepts such as poverty, marginalization, and/or underclass. This thesis will try to answer these questions by focusing on the Inter- American Development Bank’s (IDB) discourse on exclusion in Latin America. It will argue that the IDB’s discourse on exclusion aims to reproduce the dominant neoliberal ideology in its post-Washington version. For by differentiating “exclusion” from “poverty” by associating the former with the practices, acts and cultures of social and political institutions specific to particular societies and states, IDB’s exclusion discourse creates a legitimate ground to proceed with the neoliberal transformations of states and societies in line with good governance. Keywords: Exclusion, Inclusion, New Poverty, Inter-American Development Bank.