Lloyd George and the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire

Tezin Türü: Doktora

Tezin Yürütüldüğü Kurum: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, Türkiye

Tezin Onay Tarihi: 2007




David Lloyd George, who was the Prime Minister during the period of 1916-1922, served in the British Parliament almost half-century. This thesis focuses on his foreign policy concerning the Ottoman Empire during his Premiership. Lloyd George intruded himself into almost every aspect of the ‘Turkish Question’ during and after the World War I, and was at the ‘centre’ in determining the fate of the Ottoman Empire. Although, the effect of ‘forces’ of economics and social elements have replaced the ‘Great Man’ theory of history, as it is in this case, Lloyd George’s role in the dissolution of the Empire can not be truly abandoned. In the episode of ‘building’ a new Europe and the dissolution of the Empire, Lloyd George worked closely with other actors such as; Clemenceau, Wilson and on domestic platform, Balfour, Curzon and Churchill who all shared the very similar views. Lloyd George, starting from a modest and humble Welsh background, made his way in politics to the top, through his ability and persistent determination and earned rightfully to be remembered as the ‘man who won the war’ and as the founder of modern welfare state. His determination to ‘finish’ the Ottoman Empire is often attributed to his devotion to Greece rather than to his personality and imperialistic approach; on the other hand, the British State’s role in decision making process in this issue is overlooked. This study, attempts to establish the roles of Lloyd George and the British State during the attempts for the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, and exemplifies the formation and implementation of the policies towards the Ottoman Empire, an end carried out whether due to Lloyd George or otherwise. This study traces in detail the evolution of Lloyd George’s and the British State’s policies in regard to the Ottoman Empire, and is based primarily on original research conducted in private and governmental documentary collections in England.