Modifiye edilmiş tirol tipi savakların hidrolik karakteristikleri.

Tezin Türü: Doktora

Tezin Yürütüldüğü Kurum: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü, Türkiye

Tezin Onay Tarihi: 2019

Öğrenci: Kuta Yılmaz



Today, besides the dams, construction of runoff-river type hydroelectric power plants are also important for producing the required electricity. Among the runoff-river hydroelectric power plants, Tyrolean type intakes are very popular as they do not need reservoirs. These intakes are mostly constructed on rivers which carry sediment and have large slopes. The inclination angle of the rack, θ, rack length, L, and the rack spacing, e, are the most important parameters that determine the amount of sediment that will enter into the collection channel. Although there are empirical equations in the literature to determine these parameters, they are not sufficient to make an economical design. There are no methods to decrease the amount of sediment that enters into the collection channel and the amount of material that deposits in the settling basin. The aim of this study is to make an arrangement inside the collection channel of the Tyrolean intake having optimum rack slope so that sediment entering here will be given back to the downstream part of the river without being sent to the settling basin. By doing this, the requirement of a large settling basin will be eliminated and it will be possible to supply water containing very fine sediment or no sediment to the turbines. For this reason, a large series of experiments were conducted in a modified Tyrolean type intake model having a rack slope of θ= 23°, at the laboratory with and without sediment. The primary dimensions of the “Collection Channels” located just underneath the rack for collecting water and sediment were changed and investigated. Eventually, the relevant dimensionless parameters of the collection channels resulting in minimum amount of sediment passage to the intake channel were determined. An attempt was also made to verify the results of the experimental study by modeling the modified Tyrolean intake numerically. The software of Flow-3D was used in the analysis and it was shown that the results of the numerical analysis are compatible with those of experimental studies when the tests were conducted with only water. Due to the constraints of the software, real physical conditions of the experiments with sediment can not be represented in the numerical simulations.