Afet yönetimi arama ve kurtarma operasyonları için yol haritası ve acil durum yardım ve tespit sistemi geliştirilmesi

Tezin Türü: Doktora

Tezin Yürütüldüğü Kurum: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Türkiye

Tezin Onay Tarihi: 2020

Öğrenci: İlker Yoncacı



Despite humanity is advanced so much in information and technology, it is still not able to interfere or change natural disasters like earthquakes, volcanic explosions and droughts. Along with natural disasters, caused by immersive improvements made in information technologies, technological disasters are also become a big problem in our societies today. New researches need to be made in order to minimize or completely eliminate the effects of these human-based disasters. There is a common understanding that disasters cannot be avoided and studies had been made to minimize the effects of disasters, to reduce life losses, to bring order back to life as soon as possible and to lighten communal effects. For this to happen, a lot of work force and commitment are needed by search and rescue teams. In this research, the time passed for the search and rescue teams to reach the data of the survivors under the wreckage and how reducing this time affects the actual rescuing process and disaster management politics is being investigated. An innovative model proposed to minimize the search period and make it available for local search & rescue operations especially for first responders. In this thesis; a model is developed from both expert opinions and data from the project. With this model, a recommendation set is produced intended for the technologies used, processes that are applied and policies that are used in disaster management in Turkey. In the last part, suggestions on lessons learned and further studies are explained.