3rd European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation, Gothenburg, İsveç, 17 - 18 Eylül 2009, ss.486-496
Information Technology (IT) is considered as a very important part of today's world of business. As many researches indicated, IT helped and still helps companies to lower their costs and increase the information quality with their speed and other advancements. On the other hand, Senior IT Managers of these IT departments, such as Chief Information Officers (CIO) roles are more important and crucial than other department's relationships with their senior managers. This study investigates the required skills and activities with the advised education for prospective senior IT managers. Research indicates that computer engineering undergraduate education and with two years of work experience prior to MBA (Master of Business Administration) education. From a list of 18 skills and 24 activities, the IT employees ranked "Crisis Management", "Long-term Planning", "Strategy Setting" activities and "Communication and Coordination Skill", "Leadership Skill" and "Team working skill" as the top requirements for senior IT managers.