Yavuz C., AYDIN İ.

36th IAHR World Congress, Delft, Netherlands, 28 June - 03 July 2015, pp.3013-3022 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Delft
  • Country: Netherlands
  • Page Numbers: pp.3013-3022
  • Keywords: Water Jet, Flip Bucket, Impact Assessment, Water Cushion, Air Entrainment
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


A jet issued from flip bucket of spillway of a dam interacts with the surrounding air and develops into an aerated turbulent jet. Depending on the relative jet thickness, the fall height and the level of turbulence, the jet may be dispersed in air forming an aerated water body which will eventually plunge into the river surface at sufficiently far downstream of the flip bucket. If not aerated, the jet may have a larger impact on the river bed causing severe scour damage. Water cushion and dispersion of jet by aeration are the practical tools to reduce the jet impact. An experimental study is conducted to analyze the contribution of water cushion to damp the dynamic pressures on the bed. The jet impact is analyzed using geometric elements of the jet trajectory in an effort to characterize the jet impact conditions in terms of relevant dimensionless parameters. It is observed that aeration of the jet is more effective in minimizing the impact when compared to the contribution of water cushion depth.