The role of personality, culture, and economy in unintentional fatalities: An aggregated level analysis

Ozkan T., Lajunen T.

PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES, vol.43, no.3, pp.519-530, 2007 (SSCI) identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 43 Issue: 3
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Doi Number: 10.1016/j.paid.2006.12.020
  • Journal Indexes: Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Scopus
  • Page Numbers: pp.519-530
  • Keywords: unintentional injuries, fatalities, values, culture, EPQ, personality, GNP per capita, NATIONAL DIFFERENCES, NEUROTICISM, EXTROVERSION, PSYCHOTICISM
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


The aim of the present study was to test whether different types of unintentional injuries form a general factor and to investigate the relationship between Eysenckian personality dimensions, Hofstede's cultural dimensions and Schwartz's values, GNP per capita per country and unintentional injuries. The data consisted of different types of unintentional injuries, GNP per capita personality factors, and cultural dimension value scores for 46 nations. The results of the factor analysis indicated that unintentional fatalities were composed of three components, which were named as "safety of daily life", "work safety", and "traffic safety". The results of the regression analyses showed that GNP per capita had a negative relationship to work and traffic fatality rates. Uncertainty avoidance and neuroticism were positively related to the traffic fatality rate. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.