Lead (Pb) is a non-essential and extremely noxious metallic-element whose biogeochemical cycle has been influenced predominantly by increasing human activities to a great extent. The introduction and enrichment of this ubiquitous contaminant in the terrestrial-environment has a long history and getting more attention due to its adverse health effects to living organisms even at very low exposure levels. Its lethal-effects can vary widely depending on the atmospheric-depositions, fates and distribution of Pb isotopes (i.e., Pb-204, Pb-206 & Pb-208) in the terrestrial-environment. Thus, it is essential to understand the depositional behavior and transformation mechanism of Pb and the factors affecting Pb isotopes composition in the terrestrial-compartments. Owing to the persistence nature of Pb-isotopic fractions, regardless of ongoing biogeochemical-processes taking place in soils and in other interlinked terrestrial-compartments of the biosphere makes Pb isotope ratios (Pb-IRs) more recognizable as a powerful and an efficient-tool for tracing the source(s) and helped uncover pertinent migration and transformation processes. This review discusses the ongoing developments in tracing migration pathway and distribution of lead in various terrestrial-compartments and investigates the processes regulating the Pb isotope geochemistry taking into account the source identification of lead, its transformation among miscellaneous terrestrial-compartments and detoxification mechanism in soil-plant system. Additionally, this compendium reveals that Pb-pools in various terrestrial-compartments differ in Pb isotopic fractionations. In order to improve understanding of partition behaviors and biogeochemical pathways of Pb isotope in terrestrial environment future works should involve investigation of changes in Pb isotopic compositions during weathering processes and atmospheric-biological sub-cycles. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.