9th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting, HPC 2020, Virtual, Online, 24 - 26 May 2021, vol.101, pp.294-297
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.Tool overhang length tuning by matching the modes of the tool-holder extension-holder-spindle (TEHS) assembly components creating dynamic absorber effect is one of the rare chatter suppression techniques. In some milling applications, a tool-holder extension may have to be used to increase the overall tool overhang length for reaching far sections of the workpiece. In this work, design parameters of the holder extension and the tool are optimized simultaneously to maximize the dynamic absorber effect resulting from modal interactions among the components of the TEHS assembly. Improvements in the dynamic rigidity and chatter free Material Removal Rate (MRR) are demonstrated through simulation results.