Primary Dendrite Trunk Diameter in Al-7wt% Si Alloy Directionally Solidified Aboard the International Space Station

Upadhyay S. R., Tewari S. N., Ghodes M., Grugel R. N., Poirier D. R., Lauer M.

Joint Conference of 5th International Conference on Advances in Solidification Processes (ICASP) and 5th International Symposium on Cutting Edge of Computer Simulation of Solidification, Casting and Refining (CSSCR), Salzburg, Austria, 17 - 21 June 2019, vol.529 identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 529
  • Doi Number: 10.1088/1757-899x/529/1/012022
  • City: Salzburg
  • Country: Austria
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Under a NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Agency)-ESA (European Space Agency) collaborative research project, MICAST (Microstructure formation in casting of technical alloys under a diffusive and magnetically controlled convection conditions), three Al-7wt% Si samples (MICAST-6, MICAST-7 and MICAST2-12) were directionally solidified at growth speeds varying from 10 to 50 mu m s(-1) aboard the International Space Station to determine the effect of mitigating convection on the primary dendrite array. The observed primary dendrite trunk diameters during steady-state growth of MICAST samples show a good agreement with predictions from a coarsening based model developed by the authors. The trunk diameters in the terrestrial-grown equivalent samples were larger than those predicted from the model. This suggest that thermosolutal convection increases the trunk diameter of primary dendrites, perhaps by increasing their tip radius due to compositional changes.