Dogulu N., Bhattacharya B., Solomatine D. P., Bernhofer C., Bateman A., Brilly M.

36th IAHR World Congress, Delft, Netherlands, 28 June - 03 July 2015, pp.5352-5361 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Delft
  • Country: Netherlands
  • Page Numbers: pp.5352-5361
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Flood risk management (FRM) has emerged as a key concern posing significant engineering and societal challenges in all around the world. Management of and adaptation to increased flood risk is therefore essential, and requires development of sustainable and effective FRM strategies that embrace a holistic and integrated approach. This approach emphasizes the necessity to address research on and practice in FRM in an interdisciplinary fashion. Accordingly, the field of FRM incorporates a variety of disciplines and subjects including meteorology, hydrology, climatology, water resources, hydraulics, hydroinformatics, forecasting and early warning, climate change, decisionmaking (under uncertainty), spatial planning, risk perception and communication, risk governance (e.g. institutional framework and policy development), and socioeconomics.