Symposium on Thin Films - Stresses and Mechanical Properties IX held at the 2001 Fall MRS Meeting, Massachusetts, United States Of America, 26 - 30 November 2001, vol.695, pp.209-215
The rigorous formulation of the internal entropy production, and the generalized forces and conjugate fluxes associated with the virtual displacement of a triple junction are presented in multi-component systems. Extensive computer simulations are performed on the void configurational evolution during the intergranual motion; under the actions of capillary and electromigration forces in thin film metallic interconnects with bamboo structure having various grain textures, The texture studies in this work show clearly that there are two different and very distinct modes, namely: the grain boundary carving or tearing mode, and the interconnect edge cutting mode by the oblique slit formation (about 45degrees) on the wind-side of the grain boundary.