6th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, Dresden, Germany, 7 - 10 September 2009, pp.401-402
Conventional phenomenological hyperelastic constitutive models do not account for material softening. Consequently, the stored energy and stresses tend to infinity as stretch increases. The contribution presents a micro-mechanically motivated constitutive model for material failure. The proposed micro-continuum model is based on a serial construction of a Langevin-type spring representing the energy storage owing to conformational changes induced by deformation, to a bond potential representing the energy stored in the polymer chain due to the interatomic displacement. For the representation of the micro-macro transition, the non-affine kinematics of the micro-sphere model is used. The Morse potential is utilized for the interatomic bond, which describes the energetic contribution to rubber-like materials and governs the failure of the polymer chain in terms of bond rupture. Failure envelope predictions of the model are demonstrated in comparison to experimental data.