JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING, vol.12, pp.265-272, 2008 (SCI-Expanded)
The capacity curves of various structural systems that are used in the HAZUS methodology to determine seismic vulnerability were developed based on the seismic design codes. These capacity curves are, therefore, very idealistic and do not take into account variations in the regional design practice. This article presents the results of nonlinear static analyses of representative reinforced concrete frame buildings located in Turkey to obtain their capacity curves. A representative set of buildings was selected from existing RC buildings. The parameters such as yield over-strength ratio, fundamental period, post elastic stiffness, yield and ultimate drift ratios, and yield base shear coefficient have been obtained from the idealized capacity curves. These parameters are used in HAZUS to determine seismic response of buildings under a given hazard level. This seismic response is then used in predetermined fragility curves to estimate the expected loss for the particular building type. The capacity curves developed herein for Turkish buildings were compared with other studies and HAZUS recommendations.