6th International Conference on Fracture Fatigue and Wear (FFW), Porto, Portugal, 26 - 27 July 2017, vol.843
Fillet rolling process is an effective method used to improve the fatigue performance of crankshafts by hardening the fillet region and inducing compressive residual stresses. This paper summarizes the work conducted to investigate the effect of rolling load on fatigue behaviour of a micro-alloy steel crankshaft used in diesel engine applications. Based on the staircase test methodology, component-scale resonant bending fatigue tests were conducted to obtain stress versus number of cycles curves and to evaluate the fatigue endurance limits of the crankshaft at un-rolled condition and fillet-rolled conditions at three different loads. Test data was analysed by Dixon-Mood method to calculate the endurance limits. Results showed that the endurance limit increased significantly with fillet rolling process in comparison to un-rolled condition. Endurance limit further increased with the increasing rolling load however with a limited extent above which excessive hardening deteriorates the fillet region; that is the workability limit. The outcomes of this study has shed light on the fillet rolling process to select the optimum rolling load for the used design and material conditions.