5th Science of Making Torque from Wind Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 18 - 20 June 2014, vol.524
In the wind energy industry, new advances in composite manufacturing technology and high demand for lightweight structures are fostering the use of composite laminates in a wide variety of shapes as primary load carrying elements. However, once a moderately thick laminate takes highly curved shape, such as an L-shape, Interlaminar Normal Stresses (ILNS) are induced together with typical Interlaminar Shear Stresses (ILSS) on the interfaces between the laminas. The development of ILNS promotes mode-I type of delamination propagation in the curved part of the L-shaped structure, which is a problem that has recently raised to the forefront in in-service new composite wind turbines. Delamination propagation in L-shaped laminates can be highly dynamic even though the loading is quasi-static. An experimental study to investigate dynamic delamination under quasi-static loading is carried out using a million fps high speed camera. Simulations of the experiments are conducted with a bilinear cohesive zone model implemented in user subroutine of the commercial FEA code ABAQUS/explicit. The experiments were conducted on a 12-layered woven L-shaped CFRP laminates subjected to shear loading perpendicular to the arm of the specimen with a free-sliding fixture to match the boundary conditions used in the FEA. A single delamination is found to initiate at the 5th interface during a single drop in the load. The delamination is then observed to propagate to the arms at intersonic speed of 2200m/s. The results obtained using cohesive zone models in the numerical simulations were found to be in good agreement with experimental results in terms of load displacement behavior and delamination history.