AIAC-2021-161, 11th Ankara International Aerospace Conference, 8-10 September 2021 - METU, Ankara TURKEY., Ankara, Turkey, 08 September 2021
Fast and parametrical aerodynamic analyses for design of high speed jet aircraft is important especially during the initial design phases. In this study, different wing/body configurations defined with specific geometrical parameters for a jet aircraft are analyzed by using the panel method solver PANAIR. The analysis and design process is automated for the geometry and panel mesh generation and by using the Design of Experiment (DoE) methodology. The aerodynamic analysis and design study is performed for different flow conditions, i.e., ranges of Mach number and angle of attack, for given design requirements, starting from a representative fighter aircraft geometry similar to F-16. Various geometrical design parameters are selected and their effects on the aerodynamic performance are investigated through Response Surface Methodology.