“I believe in the beauty of differences”: A workshop on Intercultural Communicative Competence.

Çopur D.

FLE Joint Conference: Unity in Diversity. TOBB University, Ankara, Turkey, 21 - 22 June 2019

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Unpublished
  • City: Ankara
  • Country: Turkey
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Collaboration, communication, and social skills are the essential abilities for 21th-century students to be successful in their future careers, and the survival skills required in diverse communities and global business contexts. These are also the competencies we, English language teachers in an EFL country, are responsible for developing in our students, as we teach a language, which is the medium of professional communication and collaboration in today’s world. This workshop aims to present its participants a session that integrates interculturality into language classroom taking Byram’s (1997) framework of teaching and assessing intercultural communicative competence (ICC). During the workshop, the participants will reflect on their experience and classroom practices, and authentic student responses will be shared to demonstrate how instruction may have an impact on cultural awareness, which is a must for developing and cultivating collaboration, communication, and social skills in multi-cultural societies.