Analysis of filament wound tubes against torsion

Parnas L., Akkas N.

NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Multilayered and Fibre-Reinforced Composites - Problems and Prospects, KIEV, Ukraine, 2 - 06 June 1997, vol.43, pp.489-496 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 43
  • City: KIEV
  • Country: Ukraine
  • Page Numbers: pp.489-496
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: No


The response of filament-wound composite tubes under pure torsional loading has been investigated. The tubes, produced using the wet winding technique, are made of E-Glass, S2-Glass, Aramid and Carbon/Epoxy with three lamination sequences and three different helix-winding angles. Experiments have been performed by applying twisting moment at the free end which is also free to extend or contract in axial direction while keeping the other end fixed by special end fixtures. Specimens have the same internal diameter. Experimental results are compared with those obtained from a finite element study and the results are in satisfactory agreement. The results show that Carbon/Epoxy specimens have the highest shear modulus among all and the best results in terms of torsional stiffness are obtained for specimens with +/- 45 degrees winding angles.