IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Los-Angeles, Şili, 9 - 12 Aralık 2019
Automated Telling Machines (ATM) are one of the prominent services of the banks, which facilitate daily banking operations. Among the offered services, money withdrawal is a very basic functionality of ATMs. For the banks, it is important to manage the amount of money to be loaded in ATMs. Hence, prediction of the withdrawal amount is an important step in the ATM management. In this work, we investigate the performance of deep learning techniques for ATM money withdrawal amount prediction problem. The problem is defined in two ways: predicting the amount of money to he withdrawn, and predicting the class label of the withdrawal amount. Our data set includes daily total withdrawal amounts together with the date information. In our experiments, we further analyzed the effect of additional information, such as size of history window, weather condition, currency rate and location. For numeric value prediction task, we compared the prediction performance with statistical models of ARIMA and SARIMA. The experiments show that the neural architectures are feasible for the task of withdrawal amount prediction. They can especially provide high accuracy results when the problem is modeled as a class label prediction task.