IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Missouri, United States Of America, 20 - 24 May 2018
The future of services is expected to heavily rely on "Internet of Things" (IoT) and the ability to create smart spaces such as, smart cities, smart houses, smart transportation, and smart outdoor monitoring (SOM) in the coming few decades. Such smart spaces will require the deployment of significantly large numbers of devices connected to the internet such as sensors, actuators, and wearable computing. It is expected that the number of the connected devices to the internet will exceed 50 billion devices by the year of 2020, therefore, there is a need for a super network to handle and control the potentially huge amounts of data gathered and delivered to these devices. 5G technology is a new complete wireless technology which has great potential to aid the IoT phenomenon as the main enabling technology. It has exposed many significant features such as higher bandwidth, high integrity, low latency, higher spectral efficiency, and higher network capacity than any other generation. In this study, an overview is presented for the 5G as the best candidate to be the underlying technology required to implement IoT applications.