Assessment of seismic fragility curves for low- and mid-rise reinforced concrete frame buildings using Duzce field database

ERBERİK M. A., Cullu S.

Workshop on Advances in Earthquake Engineering for Urban Risk Reduction, İstanbul, Turkey, 30 May - 01 June 2005, vol.66, pp.151-153 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 66
  • City: İstanbul
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.151-153
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


This paper focuses on the generation of fragility curves for low-rise and mid-rise reinforced concrete frame buildings, which constitute approximately 75% of the total building stock in Turkey and which are generally occupied for residential purposes. These buildings, which suffered extensive damage after recent earthquakes, are not designed according to the current code regulations and the supervision in the construction phase is not adequate. Hence the buildings possess many deficiencies like irregularities in plan and elevation, weak column-strong beam connections, poor concrete quality, inadequate detailing of reinforcement in hinging zones, etc. In this study, the test bed, which represents the characteristics of the aforementioned frame buildings, is selected as the Duzce field database. The influence of ground motion characteristics, structural input parameters, sampling techniques, sample size, type of hysteresis model and limit state definitions on the response statistics is investigated and fragility curves for low- and mid-rise reinforced concrete structures in Turkey are proposed as an end product.