21. Ulusal Optik, Elektro-Optik ve Fotonik Çalıştayı, İstanbul, Turkey, 06 September 2019, pp.85
Diffraction arises whenever the wavelength of light and dimensions of a medium show congruence in size. To control
diffraction, one can arrange the thickness of the medium considering theoretical calculations or refractive index of the
medium. Spatial Light Modulators (SLM) provide the means to control the refractive index of a liquid crystal media. The
liquid crystal displays (LCD) in SLM have birefringence property that can alter the time inside the device to get
constructive or destructive interference at any desired region [1]. Through programmable control, it is possible to
manipulate the spatial phase of light in the range of 0-2π. Spectral splitting whose applications are advantageous to obtain
high efficiency in multi-junction solar cells is achieved for two different frequencies to two different regions with more
than 100% diffraction efficiency by using this control [2]. Our experimental results show that the intensity after
manipulation has drastically increased by 72.6% for red (700nm-635nm) and 28.3% for blue (490nm-450nm) light in 3
hours whereas it has increased by 66.3% for red and 26.4% for blue light in 1.5 hours.