CCD photometry of V2275 Cygni (N Cyg 2001 No.2) in 2002-2003

Balman S., Yilmaz A., Retter A., Saygac T., Esenoglu H.

Conference on Astrophysics of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects, Strasbourg, France, 11 - 16 July 2004, vol.330, pp.431-432 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 330
  • City: Strasbourg
  • Country: France
  • Page Numbers: pp.431-432
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


We present the CCD photometry, light curve and time series analysis of the classical nova V2275 Cyg. The source is observed for 14 nights in total using standard R filters in 2002 and 2003 with the 1.5m Russian-Turkish joint telescope (RTT150) at the TUBITAK National Observatory (TUG) in Antalya Turkey. We report the detection of two periodicities in the light curve of the nova : a) P-1=0.31449(15) d, b) P-2=0.017079(17) d. We propose that the first period is the orbital period of the system as a result of the aspect changes of the secondary irradiated by the hot WD. The second period could be a QPO originating from the oscillation of the ionization front below the inner Lagrange point as predicted by King (1989) or could be a QPO/beat period related to the magnetic nature of the WD.