Turkologentag 2023, Vienna, Austria, 21 - 23 September 2023
Aşık Pasha’s major work Garib-name is a 14th-century poetry book consisting of series of poems which were articulated with others in a geometric form of presentation. It is accepted as a significant source of the history of Sufi poetry literature in the 14th century. A limited number of studies and reviews have been written about this book focusing on mainly three points as such; (i) characteristics of the content of poems especially in terms of Sufism, (ii) the reflection of the warrior tradition in terms of Alps or Gazis, and (iii) the linguistic features of the work. In this context, the value of the work in the history of political thought has not been sufficiently appreciated or has been reduced to a footnote level within the three frameworks mentioned above. On the other hand, focusing on original propositions contained in the Garib-name have a particular significance for the history of political thought literature, especially its form of evaluating actors and structure of social order in early Ottoman society. Specific proposals and connections formulated in the work on how to establish the relations between the ruler, state officials, and clergy, how to place the Alps/Gazis and the early-state-building process, enable us to understand the contexts of political thought in the early Ottoman era more competently. In this context, the source of sovereignty, division of social power among different social segments, functions undertaken by the state and the subordination relations will be discussed.