Fish Waste to Valuable Products: Nanotechnological Approach

Yesilsu A. F., Alp-Erbay E., KAHYAOĞLU L. N., Aydin İ.

BioNanoScience, vol.14, no.5, pp.4733-4751, 2024 (ESCI) identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 14 Issue: 5
  • Publication Date: 2024
  • Doi Number: 10.1007/s12668-024-01498-7
  • Journal Name: BioNanoScience
  • Journal Indexes: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Scopus, Compendex, EMBASE, INSPEC
  • Page Numbers: pp.4733-4751
  • Keywords: Nanobiotechnology, Nanocarriers, Nanofertilizers, Nanofibers, Nanomaterials, Nanosensors
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Nanotechnology has been evolving for many years and emerging in several scientific fields including electronic, material computer, textile and drug industries. The utilization of nanomaterials in food and agricultural applications is very limited and still innovative. Main implementations of nanotechnology in the food industry involve nanostructured food ingredients, packaging and sensing applications. On the other hand, sustainable manufacturing of nanostructured ingredients depends highly on the valorization of waste and by-products of the food industry. Waste management towards low carbon emission is indispensable as it might not only enrich soil and water with essential nutrients but also contribute to circular bio-economy. The vast production of fish and fisheries products, as well as the waste and by-products made from fish, are all results of the world population’s rapid growth and the industrialization that follows. Two-thirds of the entire fish production is estimated to be wasted, which raises concerns for the economy and environment. The use of fish waste and by-products in the manufacturing of nanostructures to obtain materials with high added value gains more interest day by day.