10th International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, Rhodes, Greece, 25 - 29 October 2011, pp.229-231
Cultural landscape contexts generated by natural,, historical and rural environments are significant aspects of Mediterranean coastal areas, which possess accumulated information related to past experiences and meanings showing relationship of man-kind with coastal environments. Introduction of 'cultural landscape conservation' as a new topic into international mediums has become important especially after 1980s as a result of the increase in the awareness of "sustainability" and "sustainable development". Cultural landscape areas are significant potentials in utilization of traditional lifestyles and local information showing sustainable use and living in harmony with nature to achieve ICZM principles and required appropriate governance models. Thus, traditional cultural landscapes are supported as the source for 'sustainable land use' to achieve balance between nature and human; as well as maintaining biodiversity. Being a significant Mediterranean country with its rich and diverse coastal heritage values, Turkey deserves special attention regarding coastal cultural landscape areas. Problems aroused from lack of appropriate ICZM policies, fragmentation of existing legislative tools and lack of designation status related to cultural/rural landscape areas causing severe threats on these has been the basis for discussions of this paper. For this purpose this paper aims to focus on achieving appropriate integrated management policies for coastal cultural landscape values of Turkey within the goals and strategies of ICZM principles.