Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal, vol.113, 2021 (SCI-Expanded)
© 2021 Elsevier Inc.Multiple-snapshot maximum-likelihood (ML) direction of arrival (DOA) estimation problem is studied for the intermittent jamming scenario. The intermittent jamming modality is based on the assumption that only a subset of the collected snapshots are contaminated by the jammer while the others are jammer-free; but the receiver does not know which is which. This type of jamming is frequently encountered in practice either inadvertently, say due to the sporadic activity of a non-hostile system; or intentionally, say due to the activity of an adversary sweeping the operational bandwidth of the receiver. Exact maximum likelihood solution for the problem is analytically intractable and an expectation maximization (EM) method based solution is developed for coherent and non-coherent signal models. Coherent signal model assumes that the phase difference between the coefficients of two consecutive snapshots are known a-priori which is an assumption compatible with the Swerling-1/3 target models in the radar signal processing literature. Non-coherent signal model does not have such an assumption and it is suitable for Swerling-2/4 targets. The suggested EM based solution is shown to yield an important estimation accuracy improvement over conventional maximum-likelihood solution which ignores the intermittency of jammer and also over the atomic norm based high resolution estimation techniques. Cramer-Rao type performance lower bounds for the problem is also provided to illustrate the efficacy of the suggested estimator.