43rd CIESM Congress, Palermo, Italy, 14 - 18 October 2024, pp.1
We present the most recent findings on the Black Sea's biogeochemical structure, which were revealed as part of regular basin- wide research expeditions by R/V Bilim-2 in 2022 and 2023, conducted within the framework of Turkish national programs and supported by the European Horizon 2020-funded ARSINOE and BRIDGE-BS multi-national projects. We used CTD hydrocasts and bottle samplings to measure dissolved oxygen, nutrients, alkalinity, pCO2 and pH, dissolved manganese, and hydrogen sulfide; among many other physical, biogeochemical and biological oceanographic parameters. Results are currently being fed to 3D models for ecosystem state prediction and also shared with a diverse set of stakeholders to better tackle Black Sea challenges in the frame of climate warming and anthropogenic multiple stressors.