Characterization of TiO2 thin films prepared by sol-gel processing


Proceedings of the 8th Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society, İstanbul, Turkey, 29 June - 03 July 2003, pp.505-508 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume:
  • City: İstanbul
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.505-508
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


In this work, TiO2 thin films were prepared by using sol-gel processing on soda-lime glass and silicon substrates. Precursor solutions for TiO2 films were prepared by using the proper amounts of titaniumtetraisopropoxide, diethanolamine and ethanol. The thickness of the TiO2 films was adjusted by repeating the spin coating cycle before the final heat treatment. Finally, various amounts of polyethylene glycol (PEG) were added to the above solution to observe its effect on the film morphology. The electrical characteristics were determined by using C-V measurements and respective dielectric constants were calculated. Results indicate that capacitance and the dielectric constant values of TiO2 films were comparable with the literature results and for 2.7 μm film thickness, dielectric constant was 24.