13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerators 2017: The Expanding Universe of Accelerator Applications, AccApp 2017, Quebec City, Kanada, 31 Temmuz - 04 Ağustos 2017, ss.458-467
METU-Defocusing Beam Line (METU-DBL) project aims to perform Single Event Effect (SEE) tests for space, nuclear and medical applications. Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEA) has a 30MeV proton cyclotron at Proton Accelerator Facility (PAF) mainly for radioisotope production and an R&D room for other applications. The proton beam current is variable between 0.1µA to 1.2mA and the beam size is small. METU-DBL, which is being installed in the R&D room, will enlarge the beam size with three quadrupole magnets and reduce the proton flux with scattering foils and collimators in order to have a suitable irradiation area according to ESA ESCC No. 25100 standard. The beam optics studies and particle tracking studies have been performed and will be presented here. Also, the beam parameters have been measured with a beam viewer in the R&D room and the results will be reported. Construction of the METU-DBL preliminary test setup, with two quadrupole magnets, a collimator and a long flight path to allow the beam to blow up, as well as supporting sub-systems, has been completed and the first tests will be performed in October 2017.