PHYSICA SCRIPTA, vol.98, no.7, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)
Organic semiconductor CuPc thin films were deposited on different substrates with OAD CSP technique. The effects of substrate type, glancing angle and deposition temperature on surface and structural properties of CuPc thin films was reported in this study. The structural and morphological properties of CuPc thin films were investigated by XRD, RAMAN and FEG-SEM analysis. Dendritic nanostructures and nanoporous-straticulate sponge like structures were determined at surface area of CuPc thin films. XRD patterns showed that these CuPc thin films have orthorhombic alpha-phase structure with 2 theta peak at 6.89, which is %100. The optical properties of all CuPc films which were determined from transmittance and reflectance measurements. The increasing of spray glancing angle and substrate temperature were decreased the UV-VIS absorption intensities at S-band and Q-band. However at 200 degrees C and 250 degrees C deposition temperatures at 45 degrees spray glancing angle affected the Q-band absorption acerbically and red shift observed in here.