Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT, vol.11, no.2, pp.46-70, 2023 (Scopus)
Despite the growing popularity of online teaching especially following the COVID-19, the research addressing online language teacher education (OLTE) is still scarce. As another contribution to the narrow OLTE literature, the current study explores a semester-long online practicum experience with a particular focus on the learning gains student teachers (STs) made. Adopting a qualitative orientation, we collected data from 14 STs and 4 school-based mentor teachers (SMTs). In addition, the field observation notes of the university-based teacher educator (UTE), who is also the first author, enriched the data sources. Based on all the participants’ assessment and reflections, the learning gains were delineated.Theresultsdemonstratedthattheproceduresimplementedinthecourseproduced striking improvements in STs’ online language teaching skills, thus they were formed into a model titled ‘Online, Practicum, Model ETCEtera’ to design an online practicum course in pre-service English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher education programs. The model requires a close coordination between faculties of education and practice schools. It involves a repeatedcycle ofETCE, i.e., exploration, teaching, collaboration, andevaluation. Throughout the whole process, the STs are involved in constant observation and reflection, which altogether lead to favourable learning outcomes.