Increasing the Achievement Rate of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals by Using the Core Idea Innovation Policy Perspective Methodology and Its Practice, the Sector of Sectors

Öztürk C., Tansel A., Erdil E.

Second Efil Conference on Economics and Society (COES 2024), Ankara, Türkiye, 19 - 20 Aralık 2024, sa.409, ss.69-70

  • Yayın Türü: Bildiri / Özet Bildiri
  • Basıldığı Şehir: Ankara
  • Basıldığı Ülke: Türkiye
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.69-70
  • Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


This study aims to share the author’s views on how the core idea innovation policy perspective methodology (CIIPPM) and its application, the sector of sectors (SOFSs), can increase the achievement rate of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (UN SDGs). We consider that significant improvement in this regard can be achieved by coping with various design issues of these goals, such as the excessive number of goals, inequalities between sustainability areas, ethical issues, problems in monitoring qualitative indicators, problems in prioritization, and trade-offs, which are mentioned in numerous studies in fragmented, uncertain and disrupted geopolitical and geoeconomic contexts. This study is addressed with interpretive research, starting with an introduction to the core idea innovation policy perspective (CIIPP), its methodological background and framework, one of its applicable reflections, the SOFSs, and the results and by-products of this reflection. The essence of this practical reflection is to create a framework to ensure sustainability in the environment, health, and development by promoting the sustainability of each individual’s health and development. This reflection proposes a continuous cycle of each individual’s cognitive ability and skill development as the determined core idea. Furthermore, this study explains in detail the importance of linking the UN SDGs to the CIIPPM by converting all UN SDGs into universally accepted scientific principles to realize these goals. By reinterpreting the UN SDGs and their targets based on scientific principles, each scientific principle
identified will be assigned to a core idea according to the CIIPPM and then put into practice. Our approach will create new sectors based on these scientific principles and develop existing sectoral capabilities. Next, the study outlines the authors’ views on how CIIPP and its implementation can
enhance the achievement of the UN SDGs. Following this, the study discusses the issues derived from the findings and presents conclusions. As a result, this study proposes that the CIIPPM can provide measurable observability to implement the UN SDGs and that the interactions between
them can be evaluated as a big picture and necessary interventions can be taken in terms of determined threshold values. Moreover, newly developed sectoral capabilities through CIIPPM can harmoniously support economic growth, including content, direction, pace, and other UN SDGs’ realization improvements. The study also suggests that through the implementation of CIIPPM, such as the SOFSs, it is possible to support countries’ progress on the UN SDGs more effectively and efficiently through knowledge, human resources, technology, and institutions by preparing the platform for establishing scientific cooperation channels between nations and other partners at macro, meso, and micro levels. Thus, CIIPPM can stimulate a sense of international collaboration. In conclusion, this study presents the author’s view that CIIPPM can help cope with the problems in the design of the stated UN SDGs and serve as a platform for their implementation through scientific principles, thereby improving the success rates of the UN SDGs affected by present-day geopolitical and geoeconomic conditions.