Delivering Future-Ready Financial Management Course for Non-finance Students Using Internet of Things (IoT)

Abdullah T., Zainuddin S. A., Nasir N. A. M., Said N. M., Yasoa M. R., Muhamad S. F., ...More

International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBT), İstanbul, Turkey, 6 - 07 November 2021, vol.485, pp.73-87 identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 485
  • Doi Number: 10.1007/978-3-031-08093-7_5
  • City: İstanbul
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.73-87
  • Keywords: Non-finance, IoT, Future ready curriculum, AIPD, TECHNOLOGY
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: No


It is evident that the impacts of COVID-19 crisis on education inevitably require amyriad of innovations on the delivery of conventional financial management courses in higher-educational institutions. The Future-Ready Financial Management Course (FRFMC) was one of a plethora of innovations that was developed to uncover the gap in the current curriculums. It also aims to cultivate and expand the abilities of students by enriching teaching contents and optimizing teaching methods through the Future-Ready Curriculum using a modified Attracting, Informing, Positioning and Delivering model. The development of FRFMC is extremely important as it can be used a means to attract non-finance students background to show interest in studying finance. Furthermore, the FRFMC dramatically changed the way highereducational institutions, specifically educators in a financial management course to engage more efficiently and effectively with their new batches of digitally native and technologically savvy students. The reality is, many students are now on remote learning mode, highly depending on technology especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. While many students are considered sophisticated users of technology, few non-finance students are found struggling to learn the basics of finance for entrepreneurs. The FRFMC intends to cater to both groups of students. A number of 431 questionnaire surveyswere collected among the non-finance student of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan and observations was adopted as the mechanisms to examine the students' experience during the FRFMC implementation. The findings show that financial management courses can indeed be taught in amore innovative and effective way in order to draw the interest of non-finance students to take up more technical courses in the future.