Introductory Mechanics of Deformable Bodies

Canbay E., Wasti S. T., Ersoy U.

ODTÜ Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2008

  • Publication Type: Book / Textbook
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Publisher: ODTÜ Yayıncılık
  • City: Ankara
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


The present book covers the basic syllabus of the Strength of Materials course as taught in the Civil Engineering Department of Middle East Technical University. In the later chapters, however, some overlapping with the contents of the course entitled Introduction to Structural Mechanics has been unavoidable.

The mechanics of deformable bodies, traditionally known as strength of materials, is a stimulating subject. The laws of equilibrium, familiar from statics, are tempered not only by the constraints of geometric compatibility but also by the peculiarities of material behavior. The student learns to tackle real structures that twist and buckle, bend and break or, more frequently, bear loads safely and efficiently. It is essential that the student should appreciate that the complete solution of a problem in the mechanics of deformable bodies involves the interaction of mathematical relations from statics, the deformed configuration of the system, and the constitution of the material.

Some students are reluctant to work out the intermediate algebraic steps of a problem and would rather accept a reasonable-looking result uncritically. An attempt has therefore been made to keep the line of mathematical manipulation unbroken and to follow through to the final answer. The objective has been throughout not to impress students, but to encourage them to learn.

The subject matter and presentation in the book have been moulded by the authors' teachers, colleagues and students, and by the very many well-known books on the mechanics of deformable bodies. In the opinion of the two senior authors, readers familiar with the previous edition of this book will observe that as a result of the efforts of Dr. Erdem Canbay – who now forms part of the team as a co-author – both the contents and the format of the text have visibly improved. For his assistance with the digital rendering of equations, Mr Oktay Sevencan deserves our thanks. The text has also benefited substantially from the critical comments of Dr. Aybar Ertepınar and Dr. Mehmet Utku. The late Professor Alex Scordelis of the University of California, Berkeley was kind enough to provide some of the examples used in the book from his files. The authors would be grateful if errors are drawn to their attention.