International Symposium on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, CONV 2014, Kusadasi, Turkey, 8 - 13 June 2014, pp.877-888
© 2014, Begell House Inc. All rights reserved.Forced convection heat transfer characteristics of Al2O3/water nanofluid are investigated numerically by using mixture model two-phase flow approach with Fluent software. The initially hydro-dynamically fully developed laminar nanofluid flow simulations are performed with different nanoparticle volume fractions. The effects of thermal conductivity and viscosity models on heat transfer enhancements are carried out for constant heat flux boundary condition. As a result, the heat transfer coefficient results obtained by the different models are compared with the experimental data available in the literature for the same geometry and boundary conditions. It is observed that the results are in good agreement with the available experimental data.