Bilgi Ve Belge Araştırmaları, sa.12, ss.62-79, 2019 (Hakemli Dergi)
As a result of the development of technology and the advancement of the internet and communication technologies, computer and internet has started
to be used effectively in every sphere of our lives after 1990, the widespread
use of the internet and the WWW (World Wide Web), have brought about a
new type of publishing termed as “electronic publishing”. At the beginning of
1995, electronic publishing started to take an essential step in the life of
press and publishing. Thus, the internet has become the most critical tool
for offering information to people. Electronic publishing has introduced new
regulations in education, trade, information centers, and many social activities of life. As a result of the use of communication technologies in every
segment of society, individuals have begun to show the tendency to use the
electronic form of resources. Many institutions prefer to use electronic resources rather than the print version in Turkey, in the information centers,
and aimed at benefit from the advantages of electronic resources. Newspapers, journals, and encyclopedias began to be published electronically; the
electronic resource that the society first applied to as the primary source of
access to information became indispensable. In this study, the period which
started to be used the Internet from 1993 to present in Turkey, it was evaluated that the purpose of electronic production publishing, the reason for using them, its undertaken role to be delivered of information and field of influence in Turkey. In this study, the chronological and description
methods were used, and also the current situation was analyzed with the
statistical data.