15th National Conference of Astronomers of Serbia, Belgrade, Sırbistan Ve Karadağ, 2 - 05 Ekim 2008, cilt.86, ss.117-118
Clusters of galaxies are thought to form by accretion of galaxies along the cosmic filaments, and merging of clusters formed earlier. Observations and hydrodynamic simulations show the strong effects of mergers on physical conditions of the Intra Cluster Medium (ICM). In this work, we investigate five relatively nearby Abell clusters; A3705 (z= 0.089), A2440 (z= 0.090), A2933 (z= 0.092), A3888 (z= 0.152) and A115 (z= 0.193). Temperature; and metal abundance map are created using wavelet. algorithms. Peculiar regions are spectrally studied and large scale of deviations are observed. Based on the results merging histories of our cluster sample are interpreted.