Synthesis and Characterization of Micro Particles Templated from Cholesteric Liquid Crystal for Sensor Application

Büküşoğlu E., Avşar D. I.

Eastern Mediterranean Chemical Engineering Conference 9, Ankara, Turkey, 30 August - 01 September 2018, pp.1

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Ankara
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.1
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Cholesteric liquid crystals (CLCs) are a fascinating genre among the liquid crystalline material family due to their unique optical properties arising from its periodic helical structure characterized by pitch length.[1] CLCs can reflect selected wavelengths of light within the visible wavelengths. The structural color change by temperature, chemicals, electric field, and magnetic field.[2] The ability to change the color in response to a suitable stimulus exhibit behavior that are forming the basis of numerous passive and active electro-optic applications.[3] Motivated by this opportunity, we recently produce polymeric micro particles templated from CLC by using photolithography and microwell molding methods on the purpose of sensor applications. This study includes the synthesis and characterization of polymeric micro particles synthesized from cholesteric LC templates, including their shape, size, polydispersity, internal structure, and optical properties. Finally, response of CLC templated polymeric micro particles to volatile organic compounds was tested for sensor applications.

Cholesteric liquid crystals (CLCs) are a fascinating genre among the liquid crystalline material family due to their unique optical properties arising from its periodic helical structure characterized by pitch length.[1] CLCs can reflect selected wavelengths of light within the visible wavelengths. The structural color change by temperature, chemicals, electric field, and magnetic field.[2] The ability to change the color in response to a suitable stimulus exhibit behavior that are forming the basis of numerous passive and active electro-optic applications.[3] Motivated by this opportunity, we recently produce polymeric micro particles templated from CLC by using photolithography and microwell molding methods on the purpose of sensor applications. This study includes the synthesis and characterization of polymeric micro particles synthesized from cholesteric LC templates, including their shape, size, polydispersity, internal structure, and optical properties. Finally, response of CLC templated polymeric micro particles to volatile organic compounds was tested for sensor applications.