LANGUAGES, vol.8, no.4, 2023 (ESCI)
In this paper I investigate the ne & mldr;ne construction in Turkish, illustrated by Ne Ali ne (de) Esra geldi 'Neither Ali nor Esra arrived'. The meaning of the ne & mldr;ne construction roughly corresponds to the meaning of the neither & mldr;nor construction in English, but the syntactic properties of ne & mldr;ne are somewhat different from those of neither & mldr;nor. I focus on two such differences: one, the fact that ne & mldr;ne can, although it doesn't have to, be accompanied by a negated verb; in fact, a negated verb is slightly dispreferred by speakers (but the presence versus the absence of negation interacts in interesting ways with negative concord); and two, the fact that the ne & mldr;ne construction cannot be embedded under a wide-scope question particle -mI except when the verb is negated.