Organisational Culture and Dynamic Marketing Capabilities in the Digital Age of Pandemic Crisis

Amirul S. R., Ahmad S. N. B., Nasip S.

International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBT), İstanbul, Turkey, 6 - 07 November 2021, vol.485, pp.317-331 identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 485
  • Doi Number: 10.1007/978-3-031-08093-7_21
  • City: İstanbul
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.317-331
  • Keywords: COVID-19, Pandemic crisis, Organisational culture, Marketing, Digitalisation, CUSTOMER VALUE, ORIENTATION, PERFORMANCE
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: No


In the wake of the unprecedented global pandemic of Covid-19, most businesses are pressing on sustaining their business continuity as they are forced to create rigorous emergency plans to limit the impact of COVID-19. The focal point of this paper is to provide constructive reviews on the potential shifts in organisational culture and its interrelationship with dynamic marketing capabilities as a result of the digital acceleration brought by the pandemic crisis. The resource-based theory is utilised as a foundation to better understand the interrelationships between organisational culture (OC) and dynamic marketing capabilities (DMC). From this critical review, a conceptual framework was developed to grasp of the linkages between OC and DMC. The originality of this paper's conceptual framework suggests that organisations must enhance their flexibility to obtain competitive advantage and to keep up with the rapid acceleration of the digital transformation. Organisational culture is an essential set of guidelines that contribute to the organisation's cultural network. The combination resource-based and R-A theories emphasised the relevance of intangible talents, such as human abilities, as key components of supporting dynamic marketing capabilities. Organisational culture must support employees' spiritual development to have valued and rare workers, which can strengthen the organisational dynamic marketing capabilities and strategies. The paper's critical reviews may be of assistance to organisations in adapting and developing a dynamic work environment in the midst of the pandemic's rapidly approaching digital era.